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PDS-51 High-Level Debugger/Simulator

Phyton, Inc.

Type :
Last Update:

MCS(R) 51/151/251 Microcontrollers Low Voltage
Development Software
{ts '1998-01-20 15:08:12'}

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

The Phyton Windows* hosted ACS-51 Debugger/Simulator has an extremely accurate simulation engine of Intel 8XC31/32, 8XC51/52/54/58. It also supports almost all 8051 chips of other vendors.
S51W incorporates the high-level debugger capable to load code and symbols produced by Intel's compilers. Modular and mixed applications can be easily debugged. Any valid C expression can be evaluated and/or placed into the Watches window for permanent monitoring. High-level debugging capabilities are combined with powerful low-level features, therefore, you can step over the program using either high-level steps (single C operator) or low-level steps (single instruction). Backward program execution and conditional breakpoints allow for location of elusive bugs. Run-time stack checking and memory pool (heap) integrity verification help to identify the whole class of unpleasant errors. The simulator's model instantly checks how you operate with internal peripherals and warns you about possible improprieties or conflicts.
The simulator has a unique feature for advanced users: the External Environment Simulation (EES). You can describe the model of your external environment (input and output analog and digital signals, terminals, feedback links, etc.) using a special attached language and then include this description into your project. EES model can be loaded into the simulator along with the application code. When you execute the application program, this model runs concurrently, simulating a behavior of your controller under the influence of external environment and its feedback to the controller actions.

Tool Features:

  • Precise simulation of peripheral units

  • Supports almost all 8051 Microcontrollers

  • High-Level Debugging for All Major Compilers

  • Supports Backward Program Execution

  • Precise Time Counter and Performance Analyzer

  • Unlimited Number of Unconditional Breakpoints

  • Ten Conditional Complex Breakpoints

  • Auto Watches Window for Local Variables

  • External Environment Simulation Capabilities

  • Development Platform(s):


    File Attachments:

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package

    8XL5X - 44ldPLCC
    8XL5X - 44ldQFP

    Vendor Information:

    Phyton, Inc.

    7206 Bay Parkway, 2nd Floor
    Brooklyn , NY 11204
    (718) 259-3191

    Email :,,
    Fax : (718) 259-1539
    URL :

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

    * Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation